Lambda - via β-abstraction


Srikumar K. S.


29 July 2023


This section is a repeat of the previous one but presents a slightly different take on the topic via extensive use of β-abstraction. You can skip this if you’re comfortable with the topic.

As we saw, Alonzo Church established that a “calculus” of functions is adequate to express anything computable. He further shows how to start from “just functions” and produce representations for what we normally need in expressing various algorithms. A key part of this demonstration is a representation for numbers that’s come to be known as “Church numerals”. We also saw how the idea of recursion can also be expressed in terms of various “fixed point combinators”.

Of course, nobody really programs with Church numerals, not to mention that they are woefully in adequate for the absolute basics such as subtraction and representing full integers. And we don’t really use fixed point combinators very often in “real world programming”. [1] So what purpose does learning these serve us?

When we program, we’re repeatedly dealing with abstraction and encapsulation. We’ve seen that functions and function composition perform the job of encapsulating computations and making them reusable. Working through Church numerals and the fixed point combinators serves as a great exercise to practice β-abstraction, which offers a systematic and explorative way to work our way up from “we know how to do this” to “what is this exactly as a concept?”.

So this writeup focuses on a re-presentation of these ideas through the lens of β-abstraction. I’m going to try and be explicit about the use of β-abstraction throughout and at times that might feel trivial or laborious, but I hope you gain enough fluency with the idea by the end that you don’t need to think hard to leverage it in the future.


So the basics first – expressed in Racket notation using s-expressions.

Its “stuff”

We call an expression of the notion of a “function” a “λ-term”.

Its “structure”

  1. An identifier like x, y, called “variables” due to the mathematical origin of λ-calculus, is a “λ-term”.

  2. If x and y are λ-terms, then (x y) is also a λ-term. This is how function application is expressed.

  3. If x is an identifier and E[x] is a λ-term that uses x in some way (including not using it at all), then (x) E[x]) is a λ-term.

Its “properties”


Two λ-terms that differ only in a change of variable are equivalent. (x) E[x]) is equivalent to and may be exchanged anywhere for (y) E[y]). Here x and y are identifiers.


A λ-term of the form ((λ (x) E[x]) y) may be “reduced” to E[y]. Here y is a λ-term. Note that if y features any “free variables” (variables not bound to identifiers introduced by a (id) ...) term that contains y), you’ll have to consider that the (x) E[x]) is first α-renamed using unique identifiers before performing the substitution.


You can go the other way too. A λ-term of the form E[y] can be “abstracted” to ((λ (x) E[x]) y), provided y (a λ-term) does not feature variables bound to other enclosing (id) ...) terms.


A λ-term y is considered equivalent to (x) (y x)) provided the identifier x does not occur as a free variable in y. Note that all terms in λ-calculus are what we’d call “functions”, so this equivalence can be understood as one kind of equivalence of functions.


Strictly speaking, λ-calculus only talks about functions of one variable. We can extend the idea to functions of multiple variables because this case can be reduced to functions of one variable like this –

(λ (x y) E[x,y]) => (λ (x) (λ (y) E[x,y]))

We’ll also “define” identifiers to λ-terms using the usual Racket (define ...) construct.

Making pairs

Our starting point for building the edifice of useful computational objects is the absolute basic data structure – the humble “pair” that associates two objects. We need to be able to make pairs of objects, which are, in our case, functions (we have nothing else to speak of).

(define .first (λ (x y) x))
(define .second (λ (x y) y))

Now we can pick one of two arguments using (.first x y) and (.second x y). If we β-abstract on the first term in these two expressions, we get –

; 1
((λ (z) (z x y)) .first)

; and 2
((λ (z) (z x y)) .second)

We see that the head λ-terms are both identical up to α-renaming, but still specific to x and y. So β-abstracting that term on both x and y gives us the pair function.

(λ (z) (z x y))
; =>
((λ (x y) (λ (z) (z x y))) x y)

(define pair (λ (x y) (λ (z) (z x y))))
(define swap (λ (p) (pair (p .second) (p .first))))

We can now make pairs using pair and get its contents out using .first and .second. The value of having the ability to make pairs is that we can build pretty much any other data structure out of it. But we’ll first need some basics like numbers to store in these data structures.

Church numerals

The word “numeral” refers to a way of expressing or representing a number. So 123, 01111011, CXXIII, १२३ are all representations of the same number. Church numerals are such a representation of numbers (whole numbers to be precise) in λ-calculus.

The key idea behind Church numerals is to represent a whole number n as “n applications of a function to a value”. Let’s write that down first.

(f   (f    (f   ...   (f x)...)))
; --- n occurrences of f ----

So if n is a Church numeral representing the concept “n applications of f”, we write (n f) when we’re considering it being applied to f. But we’re talking of “n applications of f to x”, so we take the “n applications of f” and apply it to x, to get ((n f) x). Therefore n will have the form (f) (x) ...)). Remember this, since we need to stick to this form for all Church numerals and operators that combine them to produce other numerals.

Let’s look at “one application of f on x” first.

(f x)

But what are these f and x. The answer in λ-calculus is “some two functions”. Since these are “some two functions”, we can consider the β-abstracted form of them that abstracts over both.

(((λ (f) (λ (x) (f x)) f) x))

The λ term (f) (x) (f x))) now captures the idea of “one application of a function to an argument”. We use this λ-term to represent the number “one”. Zero offers a simple case by extension.

(define ch-one (λ (f) (λ (x) (f x))))
(define ch-zero (λ (f) (λ (x) x)))


To define representations for other numbers, we need a way to define the idea of a “successor” function ch-succ, that can take us from zero to one

(ch-succ ch-zero) = ch-one

So how do we define ch-succ? We want (ch-succ n) to stand for “n+1 applications of f to x” or rather “one more application of f to x after n applications”. We can therefore express this as (f ((n f) x)). Beta abstracting over f and x first gives us the representation of “n+1” for a specific n. This is (f) (x) (f ((n f) x)))). To generalize over n, we β-abstract over it to get ch-succ.

(define ch-succ (λ (n) (λ (f) (λ (x) (f ((n f) x))))))

Converting between Racket and Church numerals

To play with these concretely in Racket, you can use the following functions to convert from Racket’s number representation to Church numerals.

; Here n is a Racket numeral
(define (i->ch n)
  (if (= n 0)
      (ch-succ (i->ch (- n 1)))))

; Here n is a Church numeral
(define (ch->i n)
  ((n (λ (x) (+ x 1))) 0))


Now how do you add two Church numerals? Given m and n represent their respective number of applications of a function f to an x, we seek to calculate ((m f) ((n f) x)). As before, we β-abstract over f and x to get the standard “Church numeral protocol”.

(λ (f) (λ (x) ((m f) ((n f) x))))

The above is specific to some given m and n. To generalize to addition of arbitrary m and n, we need to, once more, β-abstract over them to get ch-add. This time though, we’ll take the comfort of multi-argument functions since it is easier to think of addition as a binary operator.

(define ch-add (λ (m n) (λ (f) (λ (x) ((m f) ((n f) x))))))

; Try this out
(ch->i (ch-add (i->ch 5) (i->ch 3)))

Taking advantage of the compose function defined as –

(define compose (λ (f g) (λ (x) (f (g x)))))

, we see that the above ch-add definition can be re-expressed in slightly more abstracted form as –

(define ch-add (λ (m n) (λ (f) (compose (m f) (n f)))))

This form brings out some of the symmetry between m and n in the operation, even though compose is a non-commutative operation in general.

Now, we can’t claim to have understood something if we can only explain it in one way. Our representation for numbers is pretty abstract now – in that it is talking about applications of an arbitrary function to an arbitrary value. So we can also re-imagine the idea of \(m+n\) as “m’th successor of n” or in other words, “m applications of ch-succ to n”. So \(m+n\) can simply be expressed as ((m ch-succ) n). So indeed, we have, after abstracting on m and n

(define ch-add (λ (m n) ((m ch-succ) n)))

… which is an equally valid (and clearer) definition of ch-add.


Now how do we multiply two numbers? If m and n are two Church numerals standing for “m applications of f” and “n applications of f”, we seek to capture the idea of “m applications of n applications of f”. This is easily expressed as (m (n f)) with the x already abstracted out. Therefore multiplication is simply β-abstracting over f first, followed by a two-argument abstraction over m and n

(define ch-mul (λ (m n) (λ (f) (m (n f)))))
; ... or equivalently simply
(define ch-mul compose)

; Try this
(ch->i (ch-mul (i->ch 5) (i->ch 3)))

We also note that this is ordinary function composition of m and n.


How do you then get subtraction? Can we do a “predecessor” operator?

(ch->i (ch-pred (i->ch 5)))
; Should print 4

Let’s write a naïve version –

(define ch-pred (λ (n) (λ (f) (λ (x) ((b-inverse f) ((n f) x))))))

i.e. if only we had access to \(f^{-1}\) as a function, we can just use that and apply it once after applying \(f\) n times.

Supposing we change our representation of the function that we’re applying n times, to include information about the inverse. Supposing our functions always come in pairs and we can take the first part to get the original function and the second part to get its inverse. So our “protocol” now changes slightly and the f argument is now to be treated as a pair of \((f,f^{-1})\). Then we have the following concept representations –

  1. “successor” is one more application of the first part of the joint function and can be written as ((f .first) ((n f) x)). (Think about what if n stood for a negative number.)

  2. “predecessor” is one more application of the second part of the joint function and can be written as ((f .second) ((n f) x)).

  3. \(m+n\) can be thought of in the same way as for Church numerals, so we can write ((m f) ((n f) x)). Here, the f is expected to be an \((f,f^{-1})\) pair.

  4. \(-n\) (i.e. “negation”) is represented by swapping the pair of functions, so we get (n (swap f)) as the representation of \(-n\).

  5. \(m*n\) is again thought of as “m applications of n applications f”, but this time, the “m applications” part needs to receive a “pair” representation, and (n f) does not produce a pair value. Furthermore, if m is positive, we ned to use (n f) and if it is negative, we need to use \(-n\) which we know is (n (swap f)). These two are inverses of each other, so the idea of \(m*n\) is captured by (m (pair (n f) (n (swap f)))). Think a bit more about how that’d play out for various combinations of signs for m and n.


Apply β-abstraction to those terms to define b-zero, b-succ, b-pred, b-add, b-sub and b-mul.

We also need to define new converters between Racket and these “b” representations (“b” chosen for “Brahmagupta” - see Church-Brahmagupta numerals).

(define (b->i n)
  ((n (pair add1 sub1)) 0))

(define (i->b n)
  (if (= n 0)
      (if (> n 0)
        (b-succ (i->b (- n 1)))
        (b-pred (i->b (+ n 1))))))

; Try this
(b->i (i->b -10))
(b->i (b-add (i->b 5) (i->b 3)))
(b->i (b-sub (i->b 3) (i->b 5)))
(b->i (b-mul (i->b -5) (i->b 3)))
(b->i (b-mul (i->b -5) (i->b -3)))

Understanding recursion

We have the whole of integers done now. However, we haven’t solved the case of repetition – a.k.a. “iteration” – which in functional terms we express using the concept of “recursion”. In fact, even in the previous section, in our definitions of the conversion functions, we assumed the ability to define and use recursive functions … and that’s not in our λ-calculus formalism.

So we need to be able to express recursion using ordinary λ-terms.

Let’s take an example – the Newton-Raphson solver for the root of a function near a given guess point.

(define d (λ (f x eps)
             (/ (- (f (+ x eps)) (f (- x eps))) (* 2 eps))))

(define solve
  (λ (f xn zero-eps d-eps)
     (if (< (abs (f xn)) zero-eps)
         (solve f (- xn (/ (f xn) (d f xn d-eps))) zero-eps d-eps))))

At the point at which we’re “define”-ing solve, we’re already assuming its availability in the body of the definition. This is not a facility we included in λ-calculus. So we’d either have to cave in and include this new possibility, thereby extending the “language” or show how the concept can be captured with the currently available facilities.

First, we recognize that we don’t know what the value of solve in the inner definition part should be. So how do we account for it? Yes, we β-abstract it out and make it an argument like this –

(define solve/cheat
  (λ (solve)
     (λ (f xn zero-eps d-eps)
        (if (< (abs (f xn)) zero-eps)
            (solve f (- xn (/ (f xn) (d f xn d-eps))) zero-eps d-eps)))))

Now, when we actually have the solve function available, we can pass it to solve/cheat like (solve/cheat solve) to get … the solve function! i.e. we have the equation solve = (solve/cheat solve). The gap here is that while solve/cheat is a well formed λ-term and captures the calculation we intend to do, we still don’t know how to get solve out of it.

In mathematical terminology, a value \(x\) that satisfies \(f(x) = x\) for some given function \(f\) is said to be a “fixed point” of \(f\). The “fixed” comes from trying to apply \(f\) repeatedly to a value. If you choose an \(x\) such that \(x = f(x)\), then no matter how many times you apply it, the value doesn’t change – i.e. stays “fixed”. So we’re in essence seeking the “fixed point” of solve/cheat.

One other trick we can do is to rewrite solve using an extra argument, in which slot we intend to pass itself.

(define solve2
  (λ (g f xn zero-eps d-eps)
     (if (< (abs (f xn)) zero-eps)
         (g g f (- xn (/ (f xn) (d f xn d-eps))) zero-eps d-eps))))

Now instead of solve, we can call the well-formed solve2 like (solve2 solve2 f xn zero-eps d-eps). This is “almost usable” and it looks like we have a mechanical way to deal with recursive functions. If it is truly mechanical, we need to be able to express the transformation from solve/cheat to a form that can be used exactly like solve using an appropriate λ-term definintion.

First, we rewrite solve2 by pulling out the first argument.

(define solve/good
  (λ (g)
     (λ (f xn zero-eps d-eps)
        (if (< (abs (f xn)) zero-eps)
            ((g g) f (- xn (/ (f xn) (d f xn d-eps))) zero-eps d-eps)))))

Now, we see that solve = (solve/good solve/good).

We can also therefore see that –

(solve/good solve/good) = (solve/cheat (solve/good solve/good))

For brevity, we’ll drop the “solve/” prefixes for now and just write –

solve = (good good)
(good good) = (cheat (good good))

We also see (good f) = (cheat (f f)) by simple β-reduction of cheat.

So we have good = (f) (cheat (f f))).

This gets us –

solve = (good good) = ((λ (g) (g g)) good)
      = ((λ (g) (g g)) (λ (f) (cheat (f f))))

β-abstracting over cheat gets us –

solve = ((λ (c) ((λ (g) (g g)) (λ (f) (c (f f))))) cheat)

The λ-term being applied to cheat is now producing a solution of the equation solve = (cheat solve) and captures the entire process of the transformation! This “fixed point combinator” is called the “Y combinator”.

(define Y (λ (c) ((λ (g) (g g)) (λ (f) (c (f f))))))

Take a moment to savour that! We now have a function that can take a specification of a recursive/iterative/repetitive evaluation and actually produce a function that does the repetition. We’ve completed the “mechanical transformation” demand we set out to meet!

Now, given a “cheat” function, we can get the actual recursive function using (Y solve/cheat).

Taking a step back, we’re actually trying to find a function F such that

(F cheat) = (cheat (F cheat))

This F seems to be itself recursively defined and we seem to be back at square one. However, we can apply our “good” trick to F.

(define F (λ (cheat) (cheat (F cheat))))
; =>
(define G (λ (h) (λ (cheat) (cheat ((h h) cheat)))))
; => F = (G G)
; => F = ((λ (g) (g g)) G)
; =>
(define F ((λ (g) (g g)) (λ (h) (λ (cheat) (cheat ((h h) cheat)))))

This gets us another fixed point combinator called the “Turing combinator” also written as the \(\Theta\)-combinator.

Note that neither Y nor Θ in the above forms work in normal Racket. They require the #lang lazy language because we’ve been doing equational reasoning that’s only valid as long as we’re not eagerly performing β-reductions everywhere.

One way to make, say, Θ work in ordinary “eager” Racket is to realize that the the problematic eager expansion is the ((h h) cheat) part. Since this whole expression is a function, we can use η-transformation on this to delay its computation to the point when it is needed within the body of cheat, by writing it as (x) (((h h) cheat) x)). With this, the ((h h) cheat) won’t get evaluated until cheat needs it, at which point it will invoke it with an appropriate argument.

So the “eager” version of the Turing combinator is written as –

(define Θ ((λ (g) (g g))
           (λ (h) (λ (cheat) (cheat (λ (x) (((h h) cheat) x)))))))

If you have the careful eye, you’d notice that x is the argument we’d want to pass to our original recursive function and we had many arguments to pass. So it would’ve been more appropriate to write that as –

(define Θ ((λ (g) (g g))
           (λ (h) (λ (cheat) (cheat (λ x (apply ((h h) cheat) x)))))))

Here, if an identifier is given without parentheses, Racket will bind it to the entire list of arguments that will be given to the λ, and apply applies a function to a given list of arguments.

Similarly, we can also make the Y combinator eager like this –

(define Y (λ (c) ((λ (g) (g g)) (λ (f) (c (λ x (apply (f f) x)))))))

Moral of the story

We started with low level ideas and have systematically moved to work with higher level concepts using β-abstraction. In particular, arriving at the general “fixed point combinators” starting from concrete specifications of recursive/iterative/repetitive computations was done through β-abstraction steps too. Now we’re in a position where we can study these resultant artifacts to understand the essence of recursive computations, whereas originally we were forced to pick concrete examples to think about. In that sense, we can now claim that we “understand” the idea of recursion because we know how to mechanize it. Even if Racket didn’t give us a way to express recursive computations by letting us use a name before it being fully defined, we now know how to deal with that mechanically and can give ourselves recursion.

This pattern crops up in many situations where we start off with a cursory and weak understanding of concrete aspects and through systematic and judicial application of β-abstraction, we can arrive at the key concepts important to the domain. This is therefore a powerful process of “theory building” for a domain that we can do as programmers.